Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful (Blog #7)

Honestly, I wasn't excepting to like this class as much as I have so far this year. I enjoy being with this group of people in my class, but there are a few people that I am thankful for so far.

First, Lillian. This is my 3rd year knowing Lillian, and I sit in front of her during class. I am thankful for her because when we work together, she helps me understands things, and shows me a whole new side of an argument, and she is really smart. She is also very nice, and even though she is pretty quiet, she really knows a lot and has really smart things to say.

Next, is Lauren. This is my 3rd year also knowing Lauren, and I have had classes with her in the past, but I have really gotten to know her this year. We eat lunch together this year, and from our conversations, I have concluded that she is really smart and funny. When it comes to English, she really helps me when I have questions or problems in my reading. I'm really thankful to have gotten to know her this year, and I'm looking forward to hear things that she has to say.

Also, there is Nat and Phoebe, I've known both of them for three years now, and I've been in English classes with them in the past. Unfortunately, other than this class, we don't see each other often, but I have really been impressed with the smart things that they both have had to say. I'm thankful to have become even better friends with them.

There are other people in the class that I have gotten to know a little and I'm thankful for. Specifically, Noemi, Ashley, Jill, and Lydia. I haven't spoken to them as much as I have with other people, but they are all really smart people, and I'm glad to have worked with them. I'm looking forward to getting to know more about them throughout the year.

Lastly, I am thankful for Mr. McCarthy. I want to thank him for making English class more enjoyable for me, (sorry Mrs. Melton and Dr. Bloland).  He has really taught me a lot about American literature and has showed me how to write proper essays. Also, he has given us these blogs to write which made me a better writer.

So those are the people that I am thankful for, and I hope that I can get to know everyone else later on this year, so I can be thankful for them too.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Celebrate Myself (Blog #7)

I celebrate myself because I am me,
I know it might be really hard to see.

I celebrate myself because I'm a pessimistic person,
If I wasn't my grades would probably worsen.

I celebrate that I am unathletic,
Even though that might seem pathetic.

I celebrate myself because I take my time,
Doing things like trying to make this poem rhyme.

I celebrate myself for the way I write,
Even though when I do I fight,

With myself  because I'm conflicted,
Because perfection, to that I am addicted.

I celebrate myself for being good and bad,
For doing things that make me happy or sad.

I celebrate that I am writing this poem,
Because poems...yea.. I don't really know 'em.

I celebrate myself for having a big heart,
But for things like sadness and sorrow I can't take part.

I celebrate myself for the piano I play,
Making songs and melodies throughout each day.

I celebrate myself for celebrating myself.
Because this story of my life will be on my shelf.

That will one day be filled with poems and a book,
Filled with stories that I concoct and I cook.

Now, this is the end of my poem, farewell,
For there are always an end and there's the school bell.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Poe (Blog #6)

Starting from 3rd grade till now, I have just heard about Edgar Allan Poe. A lot of his work were in my class libraries. No one wanted to read it, because they didn't have to, and they thought it was too depressing. If we asked our teachers who he was, all they said was that he was a good writer, and that's all they would say. Now that I have read more of his work, he seems like a man with a sad life, and he poured his heart out in writing. So I did a little research, and now I'll start with a short bio.

Edgar Poe was born on January 19, 1809. By now you might be thinking, "I think she forgot to write Allan", but I didn't. Poe was born just Edgar Poe, but he was adopted (not officially) by John Allan, after his father actor David Poe Jr. abandoned his family, and his actress mother Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe died from tuberculosis. Then, he took the name Allan. After from going from school to school and moving the US to England and back to the US, and getting engaged, and going from job to job, Poe finally wasn't able to support himself and he joined the US Army, changing his name to Edgar A. Perry and lying about his age. At the same time he released his first book called Tamerlane and Other Poems. After a while, his brother died, which made Poe really serious about his writing, and was known as the first American writer to live only off writing, which as you might assume made him poor, which made him resort to begging for money. Eventually, 26 year old Poe secretly married his 13 year old cousin (well okay....) and she ended up dying from tuberculosis. After this, as you already know, Poe has become famous and successful for his poems and stories like The Raven. He later died on October 3, 1849, and until this day, the cause of his mysterious death is still unknown.

We know that Poe has been affected by the deaths of family members when he was writing his stories, and I noticed that the word "tuberculosis" came up a few times. So, I decided to look up "edgar allan poe's stories about tuberculosis" and I stumbled upon a short story called The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar. After reading it, I have realized that it could be about the death of his wife Virginia. Compared to all of his stories that we have read, in this story the person who dies is male, and his death was not peaceful, but painful and hectic, which I think could have been about how Poe felt after his wife died. I think the story was really specific about how Valdemar died, that it was like how Virginia died. After researching Virginia's death, it is said that she would hid the pain to make Edgar happy, and in the story, when asked about the pain that Valdemar was feeling he said "No pain ---- I am dying", and the narrator said "M. Valdemar should be suffered to remain undisturbed in his present apparently tranquil condition, until death should supervene". Basically I think that Poe is writing about how Virginia felt through Valdemar's words.

Well, now I dont really know how to end this, so I'll just say
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow—
You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream. (A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe, 1849).

Monday, October 14, 2013

What is an American? (Blog #5)

The summer of 2012, I went to Somalia to visit some of my family. I was at my aunts house, and something came on TV about America, and my aunt and I were arguing about it. Then she said to me "You are not American, Barni. Most people who live there aren't.". Obviously, me being me, i disagreed with that, saying if you were born in America you are American, but in the inside, I was actually starting to think about it, and until this post I'm writing right now, I haven't thought of it ever since. 

What is an American? My answer to this has changed, many times. At first, I said that an American is someone who is born the US. Then I said that it was anyone born in North or South America. Then I said it was anyone who lived in America for a long time and/or is a citizen. Lastly, I thought that in some ways no one is American.

There is a difference between a nationality and an ethnicity. Its easy to tell the difference until you start to think about America. No one's ethnicity is American, except Native Americans. Some people say that they want to be the perfect American, or live the American dream, which is living with American culture. But, what is American culture? USA is a country where immigrated to, bringing their own cultures, so I don't understand American culture? If a certain ethnic group started it, wouldn't it be their culture? I think that people don't call themselves American, because so many different people are American, and it doesn't show your unique qualities in which you got from your ethnic background. Now, I think I'm starting to rant, but I have thought the answer to this complicated question is quite easy.What is an American? Easy, its just someone who was born in America. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans (Blog #4)

When I think of  Puritans, (since I don't know too much about them), is the community where Hester Prynne lives in the Scarlet Letter. They judge her and say hateful things to her, but I think when they realized she isn't affected and she isn't leaving, they start liking her more, and they accept her. Now, when I think of Modern Puritans, I think of basically everyone in the world. Not making sense? I think that everyone in the world has judged a group of people, or a person, because they were different. Even those people who are being judged, judge others too. Eventually, they open up because they are so used to them, but when a new group of people come, the cycle starts over.

There are many different examples of this, but I don't think anyone cares to enough to read all of it, so I just give a few examples. There is a lot of discrimination to Mexican immigrants in America, just because they are coming to America, and they weren't born here. Also, there are many countries where people who are homosexual, transgender, etc, are discriminated and hurt, because the people who did that saw them as different people, and that they were weaker too.

The Puritans in this book saw one difference between Hester and them, and they jumped on it. They were rood to her, and punished her everyday. Eventually, they backed off, and opened up to her. I personally think everyone in the world has done that to someone, or other people, and that makes us all Modern Puritans.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor- Hero or Stooge? (Blog#3)

When I read that John Proctor was hanged, my first feeling was to feel bad for him, and think that he was a good man, but then I stopped and I really wanted to think about what I really thought of him.

First the bad stuff, obviously, he had an affair with Abigail. Something else that he is bad at his lying, and he lets his temper get the best of him, and rips up official court documents. I also think that he is very stubborn when people give him choices to help himself and his wife. For example, when he was offered that Elizabeth would been released for a year, after birthing her baby. Of course, John Proctor being John Proctor decided to turn down the offer because he cares about everyone else. What a hero, right? Wrong.

Well, now here is the good stuff. First, he ignores Abigail, who wants to be with him, saying that he'll cut off his own hand before he touches her again. He also confesses for his sins, which almost works in his favor until he screwed up. He also really cares about the people in his community, and he is well liked by most of them. Lastly, he is a hardworking, and pretty nice guy.

After evaluating all of the information that I know about John Proctor, I have concluded that he is a stooge.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arrivals....There Goes The Neighborhood (Blog #2)

When I first read the title for this week's entry, I thought of everything Native Americans went through, with their land, having to share, and not really been given a choice. This started when Columbus first came to America, but I'm just going to write about something that happened a few centuries later.

It all started with gold. When gold was discovered in Georgia, part of the Cherokee land, Americans thought that since it was valuable, they can take it, and they don't have to care because they are better then the Native Americans, even thought they are NATIVE Americans. I think that the Americans thought that since the Cherokee were different, they they were worse, and it wouldn't be an issue taking their land. But they were wrong, the Cherokee were were smart and civilized and did things such as sending their children to school, or having newspapers. And, I wasn't surprised when they put up a fight and tried to stay in their land. President Andrew Jackson, had to go as far as to have them forced out of their land, illegally, and on May 23, 1838, President Martin Van Buren started their forced removal. I think that the Native Americans felt weak at that point and knew that they couldn't win even when they use the justice system. Many people died during that 1200 mile walk or ride. I want to say that I wish that didn't happen, but part of me thinks, that if it didn't happen, the America we know right now would be a lot different.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Me (Blog #1)

Hi, I'm Barni, most of the people at this school say my name like Barney because they can't say it , and it used to bother me when I was young, but I've gotten used to it. I'm 14 and I'm a freshman who has also been in the academic center here at Whitney Young, I love playing the piano, listening to music (specifically Lana Del Rey music), and I love ice skating. First, I just want to say, I'm not really good at writing things about myself, so I'm going to try to make this as interesting as possible.

I've been playing the piano since I was 4 years old, and its a really big part of my life. The school I go to makes us take music theory with our instruments, and honestly, music theory is my favorite part of going to the school. Usually, every 2 weeks, I am given different piece by famous composers and scales in different keys. I personally prefer to play a song that I heard from the radio, or I really like. One of my favorite things when I play piano, is after I play a song that I like, I like to change some parts, or add parts to make it sound perfect (in my opinion). My least favorite thing about playing the piano is the concerts where we have to perform for the whole school. Honestly, the older I'm becoming the more nervous I am playing in front of people.

There is nothing more I love that listening to music by Lana del Rey. I used to listen to the really popular pop music, but I started to dislike it and then I was doing research about serial killers (for a project) and I found one of here songs called "Serial Killers", after that Lana del Rey's songs are the only songs I listen to that I like. One of my favorite things about her music is that a lot of her songs don't make sense, until you really think about it, and you can interpret the songs in many different ways. I also love ice skating. I have been ice skating for a really long time but I never really took the time to learn tricks and be good at it, so I started taking classes for it, and I'm starting to get good at it. One thing that I recently did was go to Canada, it's my favorite place to go because I've been there so many times, and I really have fun when I go there (even though I go to Ottawa, which was awarded the most boring city in Canada, but its also the capital.) I also recently got a nose piercing on August.14 and I'm really glad I got it, because I've wanted one for a while, and this also proves to my mom that I can take care of something. Some things I also love are watermelons, cats, the color red, winter, snow, psychology, and the 2007 movie Hairspray, the shows Once Upon A Time and Pretty Little Liars. So, now after reading this, you know I little more about me, and I hope I've made this interesting enough for you.