Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Celebrate Myself (Blog #7)

I celebrate myself because I am me,
I know it might be really hard to see.

I celebrate myself because I'm a pessimistic person,
If I wasn't my grades would probably worsen.

I celebrate that I am unathletic,
Even though that might seem pathetic.

I celebrate myself because I take my time,
Doing things like trying to make this poem rhyme.

I celebrate myself for the way I write,
Even though when I do I fight,

With myself  because I'm conflicted,
Because perfection, to that I am addicted.

I celebrate myself for being good and bad,
For doing things that make me happy or sad.

I celebrate that I am writing this poem,
Because poems...yea.. I don't really know 'em.

I celebrate myself for having a big heart,
But for things like sadness and sorrow I can't take part.

I celebrate myself for the piano I play,
Making songs and melodies throughout each day.

I celebrate myself for celebrating myself.
Because this story of my life will be on my shelf.

That will one day be filled with poems and a book,
Filled with stories that I concoct and I cook.

Now, this is the end of my poem, farewell,
For there are always an end and there's the school bell.

1 comment:

  1. This was a really nice peom and I agree with what you said
