Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans (Blog #4)

When I think of  Puritans, (since I don't know too much about them), is the community where Hester Prynne lives in the Scarlet Letter. They judge her and say hateful things to her, but I think when they realized she isn't affected and she isn't leaving, they start liking her more, and they accept her. Now, when I think of Modern Puritans, I think of basically everyone in the world. Not making sense? I think that everyone in the world has judged a group of people, or a person, because they were different. Even those people who are being judged, judge others too. Eventually, they open up because they are so used to them, but when a new group of people come, the cycle starts over.

There are many different examples of this, but I don't think anyone cares to enough to read all of it, so I just give a few examples. There is a lot of discrimination to Mexican immigrants in America, just because they are coming to America, and they weren't born here. Also, there are many countries where people who are homosexual, transgender, etc, are discriminated and hurt, because the people who did that saw them as different people, and that they were weaker too.

The Puritans in this book saw one difference between Hester and them, and they jumped on it. They were rood to her, and punished her everyday. Eventually, they backed off, and opened up to her. I personally think everyone in the world has done that to someone, or other people, and that makes us all Modern Puritans.


  1. i do agree with you that everyone in the world has judge a person or group of people just because of their physical features also with the whole mexican immigration issue that would also be like hester having to wear an A on her chest so i agree with you

  2. When I was reading your post, I at first thought about how sad the idea is that everyone inthe world is judgemental and hateful, but I think you're right that everyone has thought something bad about somebody at some point.
    I would just like to comment that I don't think the puritans are a very bad group of people, although extreme, there are many good aspects to their religion as well, like their belief in predestination, which kept many of the puritans from doing bad things in their life in order to be chosen for their next eternal one.
    But overall, great thinking outside of the box!
