Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful (Blog #7)

Honestly, I wasn't excepting to like this class as much as I have so far this year. I enjoy being with this group of people in my class, but there are a few people that I am thankful for so far.

First, Lillian. This is my 3rd year knowing Lillian, and I sit in front of her during class. I am thankful for her because when we work together, she helps me understands things, and shows me a whole new side of an argument, and she is really smart. She is also very nice, and even though she is pretty quiet, she really knows a lot and has really smart things to say.

Next, is Lauren. This is my 3rd year also knowing Lauren, and I have had classes with her in the past, but I have really gotten to know her this year. We eat lunch together this year, and from our conversations, I have concluded that she is really smart and funny. When it comes to English, she really helps me when I have questions or problems in my reading. I'm really thankful to have gotten to know her this year, and I'm looking forward to hear things that she has to say.

Also, there is Nat and Phoebe, I've known both of them for three years now, and I've been in English classes with them in the past. Unfortunately, other than this class, we don't see each other often, but I have really been impressed with the smart things that they both have had to say. I'm thankful to have become even better friends with them.

There are other people in the class that I have gotten to know a little and I'm thankful for. Specifically, Noemi, Ashley, Jill, and Lydia. I haven't spoken to them as much as I have with other people, but they are all really smart people, and I'm glad to have worked with them. I'm looking forward to getting to know more about them throughout the year.

Lastly, I am thankful for Mr. McCarthy. I want to thank him for making English class more enjoyable for me, (sorry Mrs. Melton and Dr. Bloland).  He has really taught me a lot about American literature and has showed me how to write proper essays. Also, he has given us these blogs to write which made me a better writer.

So those are the people that I am thankful for, and I hope that I can get to know everyone else later on this year, so I can be thankful for them too.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Celebrate Myself (Blog #7)

I celebrate myself because I am me,
I know it might be really hard to see.

I celebrate myself because I'm a pessimistic person,
If I wasn't my grades would probably worsen.

I celebrate that I am unathletic,
Even though that might seem pathetic.

I celebrate myself because I take my time,
Doing things like trying to make this poem rhyme.

I celebrate myself for the way I write,
Even though when I do I fight,

With myself  because I'm conflicted,
Because perfection, to that I am addicted.

I celebrate myself for being good and bad,
For doing things that make me happy or sad.

I celebrate that I am writing this poem,
Because poems...yea.. I don't really know 'em.

I celebrate myself for having a big heart,
But for things like sadness and sorrow I can't take part.

I celebrate myself for the piano I play,
Making songs and melodies throughout each day.

I celebrate myself for celebrating myself.
Because this story of my life will be on my shelf.

That will one day be filled with poems and a book,
Filled with stories that I concoct and I cook.

Now, this is the end of my poem, farewell,
For there are always an end and there's the school bell.