Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans (Blog #4)

When I think of  Puritans, (since I don't know too much about them), is the community where Hester Prynne lives in the Scarlet Letter. They judge her and say hateful things to her, but I think when they realized she isn't affected and she isn't leaving, they start liking her more, and they accept her. Now, when I think of Modern Puritans, I think of basically everyone in the world. Not making sense? I think that everyone in the world has judged a group of people, or a person, because they were different. Even those people who are being judged, judge others too. Eventually, they open up because they are so used to them, but when a new group of people come, the cycle starts over.

There are many different examples of this, but I don't think anyone cares to enough to read all of it, so I just give a few examples. There is a lot of discrimination to Mexican immigrants in America, just because they are coming to America, and they weren't born here. Also, there are many countries where people who are homosexual, transgender, etc, are discriminated and hurt, because the people who did that saw them as different people, and that they were weaker too.

The Puritans in this book saw one difference between Hester and them, and they jumped on it. They were rood to her, and punished her everyday. Eventually, they backed off, and opened up to her. I personally think everyone in the world has done that to someone, or other people, and that makes us all Modern Puritans.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor- Hero or Stooge? (Blog#3)

When I read that John Proctor was hanged, my first feeling was to feel bad for him, and think that he was a good man, but then I stopped and I really wanted to think about what I really thought of him.

First the bad stuff, obviously, he had an affair with Abigail. Something else that he is bad at his lying, and he lets his temper get the best of him, and rips up official court documents. I also think that he is very stubborn when people give him choices to help himself and his wife. For example, when he was offered that Elizabeth would been released for a year, after birthing her baby. Of course, John Proctor being John Proctor decided to turn down the offer because he cares about everyone else. What a hero, right? Wrong.

Well, now here is the good stuff. First, he ignores Abigail, who wants to be with him, saying that he'll cut off his own hand before he touches her again. He also confesses for his sins, which almost works in his favor until he screwed up. He also really cares about the people in his community, and he is well liked by most of them. Lastly, he is a hardworking, and pretty nice guy.

After evaluating all of the information that I know about John Proctor, I have concluded that he is a stooge.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arrivals....There Goes The Neighborhood (Blog #2)

When I first read the title for this week's entry, I thought of everything Native Americans went through, with their land, having to share, and not really been given a choice. This started when Columbus first came to America, but I'm just going to write about something that happened a few centuries later.

It all started with gold. When gold was discovered in Georgia, part of the Cherokee land, Americans thought that since it was valuable, they can take it, and they don't have to care because they are better then the Native Americans, even thought they are NATIVE Americans. I think that the Americans thought that since the Cherokee were different, they they were worse, and it wouldn't be an issue taking their land. But they were wrong, the Cherokee were were smart and civilized and did things such as sending their children to school, or having newspapers. And, I wasn't surprised when they put up a fight and tried to stay in their land. President Andrew Jackson, had to go as far as to have them forced out of their land, illegally, and on May 23, 1838, President Martin Van Buren started their forced removal. I think that the Native Americans felt weak at that point and knew that they couldn't win even when they use the justice system. Many people died during that 1200 mile walk or ride. I want to say that I wish that didn't happen, but part of me thinks, that if it didn't happen, the America we know right now would be a lot different.